About the HeartSine Samaritan 350P Semi-Automatic Defibrillator
- 8-year warranty
- World Leading CPR Advisor
- Semi-Automatic Shock Delivery
- Easy to Follow Visual and Verbal Guides
- Durable
- Advanced Technology
- Single Battery/Electrode Cartridge
Readiness made easy.
The first person to respond to a sudden cardiac arrest patient might be a coworker, a caregiver, or even a bystander. Are you ensuring they have immediate access to the technology needed to help save a life?
Simple, user-friendly guidance.
Easy-to-understand visual and voice prompts guide the rescuer through the entire resuscitation process, including CPR—a key link in the chain of survival.
Simple, straightforward operation with a single button.
Clinically validated technology.
SCOPE biphasic technology, a low-energy escalating waveform, automatically adjusts for differences in patient impedance
High level of protection from dust and water.
An IP56 rating offers one of the highest ratings in the industry for protection against dust and water.